Today we offer options for building hotels that are easy and less expensive than traditional buildings. What distinguishes this is the possibility of transportation anywhere....
14-day free trial on all packages
Standard country cottage, bedroom - bathroom - mini bar - outdoor gear
Area: 28 square metres
Including external gear 1.20
as orderd
Specifications, size and color can be changed according to customer request
Modern Standard Hotel: Bedroom - Bathroom - Mini Bar
Area: 20 square metres
as orderd
Specifications and space can be changed according to customer request
Standard mud country hotel hotel bedroom - bathroom - mini bar - indoor seating area - outdoor terrace
Area: 30 square metres
as orderd
Specifications and space can be changed according to customer request
Let nature do the talking and enjoy an unforgettable experience
Prefabricated buildings that meet your ambition
One of the branches of Aram United Company
+(966) 144239149
+(966) 590400015
+(966) 503047444
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia